Dit is het Tmbox (Talk page message box) sjabloon. Dit sjabloon kan direct of door andere sjablonen gebruikt worden om een consistente layout te creëren op voor standaard berichten op overlegpagina's. Er zijn diverse kleuren en afbeeldingen beschikbaar voor verschillende soorten berichten.
"params": {
"name": {
"description": "Name of the template. This adds a CSS class to the HTML element, for use by bots or scripts",
"type": "line",
"suggested": true
"small": {
"description": "Makes it a smaller right floating message box",
"type": "boolean"
"type": {
"description": "Formats the box based on its type",
"suggestedvalues": [
"default": "notice",
"suggested": true
"image": {
"description": "Replaces the default left-side image",
"type": "wiki-file-name",
"suggested": true
"imageright": {
"description": "Adds an image on the right",
"type": "wiki-file-name"
"style": {
"description": "Optional CSS values used by the entire message box table",
"type": "unknown"
"textstyle": {
"description": "Optional CSS values used by the text cell"
"plainlinks": {
"description": "Set to \"no\" to show the external link icon for external links",
"type": "boolean",
"default": "yes"
"text": {
"description": "The message body text",
"suggested": true,
"type": "unbalanced-wikitext"
"smallimage": {
"label": "Small image",
"description": "Left-side image used for the small version of the box",
"type": "wiki-file-name"
"smallimageright": {
"label": "Small image right",
"description": "Right-side image used for the small version of the box",
"type": "wiki-file-name"
"smalltext": {
"label": "Small text",
"description": "Text used for the small version of the box",
"type": "unbalanced-wikitext"
"description": "A meta-template called by other templates to produce consistently formatted talk page message boxes.",
"paramOrder": [
"format": "inline"